A leading independent community-based hospital located within the Midwest was ready to find a new Equipment Maintenance Management Program (EMMP) that would be a better fit for their business.
“Through the years, I’ve been exposed to various vendors and programs. With very few exceptions, the costs of these program’s services far outweighed the benefits to our small rural hospital. All we really need is reliable service and maintenance. We do not want a lot of bells and whistles or constant tips for add-on offerings. Too often these systems start off at a great price but as we add equipment, they became cost prohibited,” explained the hospital’s CEO.
The hospital decided to switch to Remi for their EMMP.
“Although the business of healthcare has changed over the years, our commitment to those we serve has not. We knew that the alleviation of the administrative aspect would provide us with the ability to focus on patients and other, more important tasks. We saw a benefit of switching to Remi for their flexibility and service factor, which is the central focus of their program. The “no hassle” factor and ability to call one person to request service was a huge benefit.”
Under the Remi program, the hospital simply calls into Remi Service Delivery (dispatch), immediately has a service ticket created, and service is dispatched.
“The vendors Remi has sent to repair equipment have all been good. With that said, if we have any issues with a vendor, Remi leverages their network to find another option. When it comes to vendors, you don’t always need ‘the brand name’, Independent Service Organizations (ISOs) have proven to be just as effective at our hospital.”